
Choosing a Surgical Specialty Area as a Surgical Technologist


Working as a surgical technologist (surg tech for short) involves a lot of responsibility and attention to detail, but it can be a very rewarding career. Surgical techs work with surgeons, assisting them with surgical procedures in operating rooms. Many surg techs are generalists, but it’s also possible to specialize in a surgical subspecialty. 

Although a surgical technologist’s duties are varied within a specialty, they’re usually similar across specialties because the surg tech assists before, 在, 手术后. That includes preparing the operating room with instruments, 给房间消毒, preparing the patient for surgery or baby delivery, transporting the patient before and after the surgery, helping the patient with post-operative care, 跟踪文书工作. Here are four surgical subspecialties to learn more about.   

心血管. 作为一名心血管外科医生, you help cardiovascular surgeons as they perform heart-related procedures such as open-heart surgery or insertion of stents or pacemakers. You also may also tend to the patients before and after their procedure. The vast majority of cardiovascular surgical techs work in hospitals, while a much smaller percentage work in a physician office or outpatient clinic.

产科/妇科. 在这个专业, surg techs assist with labor and delivery of babies, 帮助医生, 护士, 和助产士. 通常, you assist with procedures 在 labor and any birth complications, as well as prep patients for Caesarian sections if they’re needed. If you love maternity wards and pre- and post-natal care with mothers and newborns, this might be a great specialty for you.  

整形. This field covers the musculoskeletal system, including bones, ligaments, and tendons. Surgical techs in orthopedics assist with surgeries to repair musculoskeletal injuries and then help patients with injury recovery. Duties might include assisting in the OR, 使用和移除铸件, and talking to patients about their recovery plan. 

创伤/紧急. 在这个角色中, you help emergency room physicians and 护士 with treating traumatic injuries that result from incidents such as a vehicle crash, 秋天, 或者其他类型的事故. Surgical technologists need extra training in trauma care so they can assist with things like assessing the patient, 控制出血, 用夹板固定, 清洗伤口. They also prepare rooms for emergency procedures, prepare patients for treatment, and transport patients to recovery rooms. They typically work in emergency rooms but can also work in outpatient surgical centers. 

A good surg tech has the ability to remain calm and steady, particularly in emergency situations, and also monitor details and respond as needed. If you’d like to learn more about this vital role in healthcare, 点击这里 for more information or call Fortis today at (855) 436-7847 to speak to one of our career advisors.